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VK_mobile_VG200_ringtones.zip: скачать флэш бесплатно

VK mobile VG200 ringtones

Все стандартные мелодии из VK mobile VG200
24 из 59269

Комментарии (10)

Hi. Thanks for the ringtones. I have also some firmwares in .m0 format. Can I use the same method you wrote yesterday for the .mot firmwares? Thanks
But with * .m0 does not work. Tried more than once - failure!
Ok. I have some firmwares in .bin file (that I also uploaded on the link) for Infinity Box. I tried to extract but I failed. Any solution?
I tried it too. Looks like they have their own peculiarity ...
Hi! How are you? I'm trying to extract the LG B2050 (same as B2000, B2060, B2070, B2100, B2150) ringtones, as I love these ringtones and I want to extract them. Do you think they are in .dxm format? I tried with Firmware Editor, Ripper, Multi Extractor but I failed. I want find a program that can extract these ringtones. The platform of these phone is the same of other LG, but the soundchip is different: it is Casio, not Yamaha. Any idea?
I already tried - not found! What dxm, what midi ...
Hi. Do you know forums and site where I can download firmwares? Also buying
If for example gsmforum.ru
Registration is required, maybe...
Привет, Николай! Мы со змеем создали MediaTek синтезатор. Можешь скачать и протестировать. Синтезатор, как на Nokia 105 DS, 108, 130 и т.д

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Тема: Светлая | Тёмная
Версия: Mobile | Lite | Touch | Доступно в Google Play